That stupid smile

2 min readAug 15, 2020


Colouring the wall, a pinch on the ear, that stupid smile,
Running without reason, into a puddle,dirty face, that stupid smile,
The gaze outside the window, the chalk on the face, that stupid smile,
Hands raised, that silly doubt, cracking up the whole class, that stupid smile,
Dancing in the rain, that sense of freedom, that stupid smile,
The first ride, finding balance for the first time, that stupid smile,
The first fall, losing balance, negligence, that stupid smile,
A lost face, that first stare, that stupid smile,
Asking her out, heart in the mouth, that stupid smile,
The first kiss, all in the moment, that stupid smile,
The first gig, finding reward for the first time, that stupid smile,
The first solo trip, call me crazy, that stupid smile,
Quitting the first job, arising hate,anger,pity all at once,all around, that stupid smile,
The crazy idea, they called you bonkers, that stupid smile,
That first paycheck, selling your idea, that stupid smile,
A helping hand, the smile on another face, that stupid smile,
That stupid smile, always with you,
A prelude to confidence, confidence that charms the world around,
Most of us, kill our stupid smiles,
Some of us, embrace our stupid smiles,
Only to realize, that stupid smile has always been an unprecedented genius




"You think, I do not belong because you have not seen me in the mud. But, how can you see me when i am dirty, if i shower every night?"