Feathers and Fangs

2 min readDec 22, 2021


Recently I came across a quote by Georges Bataille, which said,
“No greater desire exists than a wounded person’s need for another wound”

And I got to thinking
Thank god there are others like me
Thank god I am not the only one being tagged “crazy” by the “normal” world
But maybe, they are not really normal
They just have higher threshold
Or maybe they just did not endure enough
Maybe they do bleed through their sweaty palms
But decide to not go through that again
Maybe they too are fearful of the uncertainty around
But unlike us, they are skilled to handle things,
While we slit, to feel the void inside us a little less
They walk the path, with their head held high

How did we stumble upon this path where there was no other choice
While so many got the choice, to be, to exist
How much can we endure after all?
How many more times, should we hear “crazy”, “unlovable” — and yet carry on with a smile

Now I put my foot down
I am not crazy
I am just different
I am not unlovable
They just don’t have the right pair of lenses

My story won’t be written in scribble with fangs, but by feathers
And I WILL tell my story out loud
Coz my wounds might be raw,
But now I won’t just write “pain” over and over again.




"You think, I do not belong because you have not seen me in the mud. But, how can you see me when i am dirty, if i shower every night?"